We spent decades chasing the American Dream only to discover we really weren’t happy – that working more to have more wasn’t the “dream” we expected to be living. Debt, stuff, attachment, judgment, anxiety, animosity, fear – we had to get away from it all. So we changed course – selling or giving most everything away so we could be more open to life’s adventure, challenges and amazement.

Inspired by other YouTubers, we bought a small, fixer-upper sailboat to rediscover what’s really necessary to live a rewarding life. We have very little sailing experience (one of us has NEVER been sailing) and we are not young, but when things don’t feel right, it’s time to make a change.  

Subscribe and join us on our next adventure!

Why We Cruise

We get this question a lot... and while there's no one answer, here's what led us to cast the lines.


What are we up to now? Follow this link to watch our latest vlog (or binge us!).

Our Gear

Looking for your own Garuda Gear? You can find everything Garuda in our store.

Be An Explorer          

Explorers are cool. They have dirty feet, worn clothes and the best stories. Even if you’re one who struggles to tell a story, the words “last year in Moloka’i” makes you immediately interesting. Even when the events seem trivial, adventure adds irresistible color to things like visiting the American Grocery outside Jaco, an icy regulator free-flow in Silfra, or attempting to order an India Pale Ale in New Delhi.
Those who adventure experience others without judgment and are less fearful or easily hurt. Best of all, they live their lives with fewer constraints or boundaries – old wounds and unhealthy influences lose their grip – and every step is one toward freedom. In short, we see exploration as the link between who we are and who we long to be.                  
Whether your adventure is in the skies, on land, or at sea –

                                                         the Explorer’s life is calling.

    We’ve got room for you…                                                                       

Join Our Sangha

We include a lot in our vlogs, but if you want more… like what we’re up to right now… join our Garuda Sangha by connecting with us on social.

Follow Us on the ‘Gram

Shots, visions, and thoughts shared as we encounter ’em.

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All our vlog episodes can be found on YouTube – Subscribe, like and comment!

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Ok… not yet… but we do appreciate the suggestion and we’ll let you know if we decide we’re ready.

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Where is Garuda Now?

The map shown here is updated at regular intervals (which means that some curves and course changes are not captured in real time). So you’ll have to excuse the track history a bit, but it does do a pretty good job of showing where we are and where we’ve been!


DIRECTIONS: You can hit the “+” and “-” while clicking on the map to zoom in and out. (You can also click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” in the window for more controls.


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